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TAG! You're IT! Best Aesthetic Practice Award

Article-TAG! You're IT! Best Aesthetic Practice Award

TAG! You're IT! Best Aesthetic Practice Award

The Best Aesthetic Practice Award spotlights the outstanding efforts of a team to build and grow an exceptional aesthetic practice. Entries showcase the work of the staff, office efficiencies, patient experience, as well as marketing efforts such as website design, social media tactics, public relations, and community outreach efforts. The best practice is one that has mastered a whole-approach to implementing practices and programs that build strong patient relationships, drive high-quality outcomes, and increase revenue.


Any solo or group aesthetic practice can be nominated or can nominate itself.


Nominations of practices should include the practice name, location, names of owners or partners and their contact information, the practice website address, and a short 300-word description of why this practice should win this award, what makes them a “best practice”?

Incomplete entry forms will not be considered.



Nominations for all awards will be accepted through June 1, 2018.

Winners will be selected by a panel of physician and industry judges appointed by The Aesthetic Show faculty and The Aesthetic Guide editorial team and advisory board.

Winners for each award will be announced in a special ceremony hosted by Andrew Ordon, M.D., during The Aesthetic Show on Saturday, July 7, 2018.

Winners will be presented with plaques as recognition of their outstanding achievements and will be profiled in the September/October issue of The Aesthetic Guide.

Nominations have closed. We look forward to announcing the winners during The Aesthetic Show!

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